Practical Tips For Showing Hospitality

Practical Tips For Showing Hospitality

In my most recent post, I wrote about the ministry of hospitality. In this blog, I would like to share a few practical tips for showing hospitality. I still have much to learn in this area, but here … Read the rest

The Ministry of Hospitality

The Ministry of Hospitality

What comes to your mind when you think of hospitality? Do you envision a perfectly set table and three course meal? A spotless home and a night full of fun entertainment? True hospitality is so much more than these … Read the rest

Creating a Place of Peace During Times of War

Creating a Place of Peace During Times of War

Chaos. It is something that will persistently nag at normalcy. The world is in chaos right now. Despite the repeated warnings, the realities of war seemed distant- until they no longer were. Yet, the world has always been at … Read the rest

Perhaps homemaking is not an insignificant occupation after all.

Perhaps homemaking is not an insignificant occupation after all.

Home. The place where families dwell. A place of rest. A place of work. A place that’s safe. A place of growth and learning. A place where minds are shaped and disciplined. A place of sharing. A place of … Read the rest