Tag: motherhood

When Mother’s Day Hurts

When Mother’s Day Hurts

Mother’s Day is just around the corner and as some frantically continue searching for the perfect gift to give their loved one, others are preparing their heart for the hurt this day holds. For some women, Mother’s Day … Read the rest

Surrendering Your Children to God: The Legacy of Katharine Howard

Surrendering Your Children to God: The Legacy of Katharine Howard

She was not well known, in fact, most people have probably never even heard her name. She never achieved anything the world would deem “successful” yet, as a faithful wife and mother of six, Katharine Howard’s life greatly impacted … Read the rest

What is Your View of Children?

What is Your View of Children?

This post is not necessarily for mothers alone, but also to single girls who are not yet mothers.

There is a video online of some kids meeting a woman who had an abortion and discussing it with them. The … Read the rest

What Are You Feeding Your Children’s Minds?

What Are You Feeding Your Children’s Minds?

TV, movies, YouTube, Netflix are all available to us, and they are excellent babysitters. But what are they doing to your child’s mind?  Never before in the history of humanity have we had such entertainment at a second click. … Read the rest

Why Motherhood Matters

Why Motherhood Matters

In a culture that prizes significant, visible contributions to society the necessary tasks of life and daily care of the vulnerable are not highly valued. Motherhood, which is an embodiment of “simple tasks”, is often looked down upon and … Read the rest

How To Evangelize With Little Ones

How To Evangelize With Little Ones

The following post is written by guest author Sarah Bruce, a young wife and mother who is passionate about sharing the gospel. Sarah and her husband Daniel currently reside in Arizona where they faithfully seek to win the lost while Read the rest