Tag: godlywomen

The Acceptable Sin

The Acceptable Sin

Trust Over Worry

“They will have no fear in bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord.” -Psalm 112:7

“Your baby is measuring over a month behind where he should be, he is not growing properly and appears Read the rest

Not What I Imagined

Not What I Imagined

Reaching the End of Myself

Finding out I was pregnant with our little miracle baby was a prayer come true, but this pregnancy was not the journey I had always envisioned. I had always pictured myself as the mom who … Read the rest

An Open Letter to My Single Sisters in Christ on Valentine’s Day

An Open Letter to My Single Sisters in Christ on Valentine’s Day

Dear Sister in Christ,

I know for some of you, this time of year can be difficult. For all its glittering cards, heart-shaped boxes of chocolate, and red rose based flower arrangements, Valentine’s Day confronts each of us with a … Read the rest

Deuteronomy 22:5 & Today.

Deuteronomy 22:5 & Today.

I grew up in certain church circles and heard Deuteronomy 22:5 quoted many times, as there was much emphasis on it. This verse was used by many to forbid women from wearing one particular article of clothing. My … Read the rest

Self-Care and the Christian

Self-Care and the Christian


We live in a society that is consumed with self. The message “love yourself” seems to be everywhere in modern culture, even in the church. The plea to make time for practicing self-care is loud and unyielding, amongst … Read the rest

Waiting On God

Waiting On God

It is not my nature to be patient; I much prefer to plan and to act rather than to quietly sit back and wait for something to happen. Perhaps it is for this very reason that God has led … Read the rest

Are You Contributing To The Sexualization Of Our Culture? 

Are You Contributing To The Sexualization Of Our Culture? 

Christ has called us to be light in the darkness, but how well is the Christian church doing that? The very fact that we are now standing in the midst of the broken ruins of our culture says enough … Read the rest

Be A Faithful Woman

Be A Faithful Woman

“Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?” Prov. 2:6

I drove down a back road that made its way out of our little town. My eyes caught sight of the … Read the rest

Are You Willing to be Nameless?

Are You Willing to be Nameless?

This story that I’m about to share is allegory excerpt from a book called, “Sir Knight of the Splendid Way”. It is an allegory story of the Christian life and of the different battles Christians fight with along the … Read the rest

The Sin Of Gluttony

The Sin Of Gluttony

As I begin to write on the topic of gluttony, food, and taking care of our bodies, I fully realize it is a sensitive subject. I know it from my past struggles with food and self-control. I have only … Read the rest