50 Gospel Centered Ideas for Children

The following post is written by guest author Sarah Bruce, a young mom who loves Jesus and desires to teach her daughter to love Him as well.
Looking for some fun, Christ-centered activities to do with your children? Consider these ideas, and be creative!
1. “Paid in Full” Crosses: Glue pennies to a wooden cross and write “Paid in Full” on it!
SUPPLIES: about 30 pennies, glue, (optional “Paid in Full” label, wooden cross with penny-grooves)
Link to example: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTrNCBIhCcZ16eIhNOu8jJU5CY2nJt4XyRwPw&usqp=CAU
2. Cross Paper: Fold paper into a cross!
SUPPLIES: paper, scissors (optional special paper)
Link to example: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10svOmvXZRf9IUoFQkdamNyhzzk4esg8L3iu6MZAOsCM/edit?usp=sharing
Airplane version:
3. Cross Sticky Notes: Cut sticky notes into crosses, making borders by cutting them out!
SUPPLIES: sticky notes, tape, scissors
Link to example: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/18/64/80/186480c45bc6dea7f17a4b5c20846338–sunday-school-projects-sticky-notes.jpg
4. Wordless Book Bead Bracelets: Make a bracelet with the colors of the Gospel!
SUPPLIES: black, red, and white beads, string (optional scissors)
Link to example: https://www.letthelittlechildrencome.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/salvation-bracelet-9110b.png
5. Wordless Book Crosses: Make booklets with the colors of the Gospel!
SUPPLIES: black, red, and white paper (optional staples or tape)
Link to example: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-vCn2E_7ITQY/Ta2t-oRH6iI/AAAAAAAAI4A/O_6XvVlKwW0/s1600/DSC_0023+2.jpg
6. 10 commandments Plaque: Cut out a cloud then string the Ten Commandments!
SUPPLIES: colored paper, tape, string, printed out text or writing tools, scissors
Link to example: https://s7.orientaltrading.com/is/image/OrientalTrading/VIEWER_IMAGE_400/ten-commandments-mobile-craft-kit~13982864
7. Feet Craft: Trace your feet on paper and display verses/theGospel!
SUPPLIES: colored paper, pencil, other writing tools, glue (ortape), scissors (optional stamps, paint)
Link to example:
8. Hands Craft: Trace your hands on paper and display verses/the Gospel!
SUPPLIES: colored paper, pencil, other writing tools, glue (or tape), scissors (optional stamps, paint)
Link to example:
9. Bridge Craft: Show the Bridge analogy with paper (using the cross)!
SUPPLIES: paper, writing tools (optional cross craft)
Link to example: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/37/6c/3c/376c3cd6a1ff06fffcb9380ffe2ab8f6.jpg
10. World in House Craft: Cut out a house and a world! Use this to explain Gospel missionaries!
SUPPLIES: colored paper, writing tools, scissors (optional cardboard)
11. Colors Bookmark: Make your own bookmark and connect the colors to the Gospel!
SUPPLIES: paint colors from the store, stamp or hole punch, ribbon, writing tools
Link to example: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/df/49/c9/df49c96409fc9b2b492f8c6609047a94.jpg
12. Real Rainbow (with ark) Craft: Make an ark with a rainbow; show how the ark points to Christ!
SUPPLIES: scissors, writing tools, paper, tape or glue(optional pipe cleaners)
Link to example: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_pUXaddJMQyw/TIac5Ct-m8I/AAAAAAAAD2I/z3C6_ZQ3RNY/s1600/noah10.jpg
13. Parting the Red Sea Craft: Part the Red Sea on paper with flaps and connect it to the Gospel!
SUPPLIES: scissors, writing tools, paper, tape or glue
Link to example:https://i.ytimg.com/vi/LDiI7zAbhkY/hqdefault.jpg
14. Paper Plate Calvary: Color a paper plate and then glue crosses on the top!
SUPPLIES: scissors, writing tools, a paper plate, tape or glue
Link to example: https://i0.wp.com/catholicinspired.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/paper-plate-cross-craft-main1.jpg?resize=493%2C494&ssl=1
15. Colors Behind the Gospel Craft: Draw with colors, then black, then reveal colors with toothpicks!
SUPPLIES: paper, writing tools (including black), a toothpick
Link to example: https://www.woojr.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Crayon-Scratch-Art-Project-5.jpg
16. Word of God Bracelets: Use alphabet beads to craft out verses as bracelets!
SUPPLIES: string, alphabet beads (optional scissors)
Link to example: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/6e/ca/71/6eca7144e417c9c72b6402bfe37c9bc6.jpg
17. Cross-in-Tree Christmas Cards: Cut out a Christmas tree, then a cross to put on a card!
SUPPLIES: scissors, writing tools, colored paper (also consider birthday cards)
Link to example: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/425449496021032698/
18. Square-Knot Crosses: Use the square-knot technique to craft a cross!
SUPPLIES: plastic string, ribbon, or paracord (optional thread or thin string to put cross together)
Link to example: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-hQUYOXQ2xQ/maxresdefault.jpg
19. Plastic Bag Weaving (with Cross): Weave a basket by braiding plastic bags, then sew on a cross!
SUPPLIES: 20-30 plastic bags, a needle and thread, cross craft
Link to example: https://diyjoy.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/plastic-bag-crafts-trash-can.jpg
20. Jesus Fish Art: Color a Jesus fish, then add more colorsaround it!
SUPPLIES: colored paper, writing tools (optional cardboard, card-stock, or string)
Link to example: https://image.shutterstock.com/z/stock-photo-the-colorful-christian-fish-christian-symbol-oil-painting-on-canvas-384312562.jpg
21. Tree Hands: Paint a tree from your child’s hand, connect to the Garden of Eden, and to the cross!
SUPPLIES: paint, writing tools, paper
Link to example: https://i.etsystatic.com/19427929/r/il/124263/3135410766/il_794xN.3135410766_slmc.jpg
(These next sections contains brief ideas without links.)
Do-it-Yourself Gospel Tract Ideas:
(using colored paper, normal paper, cardstock, various coloredwriting implements, scissors, and using tape for lamination…use the Living Waters resource below for inspiration!)
22. Gospel Cartoons: Make a Gospel cartoon! Be creative!
23. Gospel Illusions: Make your own curved illusions, using colored paper and scissors!
24. Gospel Illustrations: Illustrate the Gospel through pictures!
25. Gospel Creative Text: Use fancy cursive/bubble-letters to expound on points!
26. Gospel Riddles: Come up with riddles for your own Gospel tract!
27. Gospel Funnies: Make some jokes or one-liners for your own Gospel tract!
27. Gospel Trivia: Come up with trivia for your own Gospel tract!
29. Gospel Gifts for Friends and Family: Make tracts using what friends and family like!
30. Gospel I.Q. Tests: Use your favorite I.Q. tests and turn them into tracts!
31. Gospel Creativity: Come up with your own Gospel tract ideas using personal interests!
32. Parachute Analogy Comic: Create a comic of the Living Waters Parachute Analogy!
(See Living Waters resource below.)
33. Three Minutes to Live on Paper: Create six time slots of 30sec. and give the Gospel by the end! (Living Waters resource.)
34. Evidence Bible Challenge: Research report on a question/objection, or anything, include pics!
(Living Waters resource.)
35. Missionary Letter with Pictures: Write a missionary letter, and be creative!
36. Drawing through the Gospels (or through the Bible): Give prompts, including for church!
37. Answers in Genesis Project: Research report, include pics!
(See Answers in Genesis resource below.)
38. Scripture Memory Drawings: Draw pics or cartoons about your memory verse!
39. Scripture Memory Whiteboard Erasing: Consider 50 tally marks and subjects!
40. Scripture coloring: Color through Scripture (maybe use coloring books)!
41. Skit Writing: Read a skit and act it out (skit ideas below)!
42. 3 Minutes to Live: Start a timer and have child give you the Gospel as you act like you’re dying!
43. Who’s on First for the Gospel Skit: Baseball skit, going through the commandments with humor!
44. Role-Playing Evangelism Encounters: Act like an unsaved person; have your child witness to you!
45. Share the Gospel to Your Pet: Practice sharing the Gospel to your pet (every creature)!
46. Make Your Own Gospel Skit: Create your own skit using topics you like and act it out!
47. Bible memory motions: Make motions to help you with Bible memory!
48. Missionary Skit: Act like a foreign missionary and make a skit about it!
Musical Skills:
49. Make Your Own Evangelism Song: Start with poetry then hop on an instrument!
50. Scripture Memory Song: Play around with songs you know until one fits!
(Wondering where to get more ideas? See the resources below!)
Living Waters:
Gospel Tracts website: http://store.livingwaters.com/gospel-tracts.html
Are You a Good Person: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCSUKIhjevo
Parable of the Fish-less Fisherman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVBXrknp9x8
Evangelism Encounter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZdv-TtiMkg&t=16s
3 Minutes to Live: https://www.livingwaters.com/three-minutes-to-live/
Parachute Analogy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqgWEf4xVOg
Hells Best Kept Secret: https://soundcloud.com/livingwaterspub/hells-best-kept-secret
Evidence Bible Resource: http://www.evidencebible.com/
Podcast: https://www.livingwaters.com/podcast/
YouVersion Bible App (it has audio): https://www.youversion.com/
Bright Lights (ministry for girls, encouraging them to share the Gospel):https://tomorrowsforefathers.com/bright-lights/
Answers in Genesis: https://answersingenesis.org/
Wretched Radio: https://wretched.org/
Audio Dramas: https://www.adventuresinodyssey.com/listen/
Torchlighters (missionary cartoon series):