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The Future is as Bright as the Promises of God

The Future is as Bright as the Promises of God

“The future is as bright as the promises of God.” – missionary Adoniram Judson

As we begin a new year, I thought this would be a fitting and inspiring quote to share, along with the story behind it. … Read the rest

Deuteronomy 22:5 & Today.

Deuteronomy 22:5 & Today.

I grew up in certain church circles and heard Deuteronomy 22:5 quoted many times, as there was much emphasis on it. This verse was used by many to forbid women from wearing one particular article of clothing. My mom … Read the rest

Self-Care and the Christian

Self-Care and the Christian


We live in a society that is consumed with self. The message “love yourself” seems to be everywhere in modern culture, even in the church. The plea to make time for practicing self-care is loud and unyielding, amongst … Read the rest

Waiting On God

Waiting On God

It is not my nature to be patient; I much prefer to plan and to act rather than to quietly sit back and wait for something to happen. Perhaps it is for this very reason that God has led … Read the rest

Bold and Fearless Women Part 2

Bold and Fearless Women Part 2

In my last post I shared the stories of truly bold and fearless women who we can all learn from. Though there are countless more stories that could be told, here are just a few more to encourage you … Read the rest

Bold and Fearless Women Part 1

Bold and Fearless Women Part 1

Images of what bold and fearless women are supposed to be and look like, flood our news feeds. They are typically loud and boisterous, women who are not afraid to “shout their abortion”. Women who have the courage to … Read the rest

Are You Contributing To The Sexualization Of Our Culture? 

Are You Contributing To The Sexualization Of Our Culture? 

Christ has called us to be light in the darkness, but how well is the Christian church doing that? The very fact that we are now standing in the midst of the broken ruins of our culture says enough … Read the rest

Be A Faithful Woman

Be A Faithful Woman

“Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?” Prov. 2:6

I drove down a back road that made its way out of our little town. My eyes caught sight of the … Read the rest

What is the Gospel?

What is the Gospel?

In a recent witnessing encounter, I met a young Bible college graduate who was unable to answer the question: “What is the gospel?” Unfortunately this is not an isolated experience, I have talked to many professing Christians who are … Read the rest

Are You Willing to be Nameless?

Are You Willing to be Nameless?

This story that I’m about to share is allegory excerpt from a book called, “Sir Knight of the Splendid Way”. It is an allegory story of the Christian life and of the different battles Christians fight with along the … Read the rest